Hi. I want to start a blog about my dog Boo. Boo has had osteosarcoma for 29 months she had her leg amputated 2 years ago November and her Mets came back Octobe. she had five tumors in her chest in October of last year and she could not walk when I took her to the ve. she couldn’t walk for 3 months but then started getting better after 3 months. I’m posting a picture of her mats when she first got diagnosed and then of pictures six months later of her meds and they’ve changed dramatically and no one seems to know what those meds are doing has anyone seen Mets change like this? and boo is now off of all pain meds she runs two miles everyday day non-stop. the last x-ray was 6 months ago and her chest looked horrible but she’s doing exceptionally well at the very same time and all we’ve ever done was touch healing. no meds no special diet just touch healing. I never hear of people talk about touch healing. our truth can’t be told it can only be experienced and this is our experience.
WOW! I am in awe. Pretty amazing.
Thank you for joining us and starting a blog about Boo and living with mets. What a story. We are so looking forward to learning more. Thank you thank you!